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Port of Coos Bay Board of Commissioners

Please note: The meeting day of Regularly Scheduled Commission Meetings has changed to Thursday.   

The five-member Port Commission is composed of Port District residents who are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Oregon Senate for four-year terms.  As stated in Policy 1.1 of the Port's policy manual, the primary duty and function of the Board of Commissioners is to establish policies for the governance of the Port and to delegate to the Chief Executive Officer to staff day-to-day administration of the Port. 

The Board of Commissioners Regular Meetings are held the third Thursday of every month at 11:00 a.m. in the Port of Coos Bay Commission Chambers located at 125 Central Avenue, Suite 230, Coos Bay, OR 97420 and are streamed live on YouTube at

Public Comment: 

The Port of Coos Bay values our citizens’ input and participation in these meetings.  The Public Comment period is intended for the public to share information, ideas, and concerns with the Board, it is not intended for an interactive discussion or question and answer session.  If you have specific questions, we ask that you address those to staff either by calling the office, sending an email, or using the Contact Us portal on the Port’s website.

The public comment period shall be limited to three minutes per individual.  Speakers may not convey or donate their time to another speaker.  During any designated comment period, individuals shall not engage in personal attacks, shall not challenge the motives of any speaker, and shall conduct themselves in an appropriate manner.

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